Am 04.10.2010, 16:17 Uhr, schrieb Davide Anchisi <>:
Sure, I forgot to mention it: I do use wmii-hg, and the problem is with
Witray appears only when there is an application in the tray (you can
tray nm-applet, or pidgin, for example). And along with witray appears
the space on the second monitor.
I had not the problem before "witrayed" versions (e.g. 3.9), and
killing witray makes the unwanted space disappeare.
I reported the bug some time ago, but got no answer nor fixes.
From what I understand, Adam sees a bug with wmii 3.9.2, which has no
witray. This is why I thought it may be a different bug and suggested to
update his wmii installation.
Thomas Dahms