> I'm not sure I'm understanding what you mean but I think you can
> achieve that only changing your config:
> #define TAGKEYS(KEY,TAG) \
> { 
> MODKEY,                       KEY,      toggleview,           {.ui
> = 1 << TAG} }, \
> (n.b. toggleview instead of view)
> You don't need to release modkey to toggle more tags, so there 
> is no
> much difference with what you are suggesting. The only "problem" 
> I see
> is that your previous tags won't be remembered, I don't know if that
> is important for you. Maybe what you want is to always set tags and
> not toggle them (how do you deactivate tags then?), for that you will
> need to write your own function, but it is a simple matter of using
> another boolean operator.

Sorry for being unclear. Not quite like toggle. I mean when you press a
tag key it does the normal thing (tags = newtag or whatever), but then
if you press more tag keys before you release any of them it adds them
to the selection (like tags |= newtag). So if you mash a key combo like
MOD-1-2 and then release, it selects 1 and 2. Likewise with tagging

Whats this about previous tags? I found something fitting that description
in the source but I can't figure out why it's done like that or where it gets 
Is there some 'previous selection' function somewhere? If not, why is that
ugliness in there?


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