flo does not store any ids in the items file. Items get their id once they are listed in the order that they are sorted. Since they’re sorted, it’s safe to remove ids between range 5–7 like this:
for i in {0..2}; do flo -r 5; done Changing items in a range is not safe, since an item might be sorted different when it get its date changed. The reason why I’ve chosen to do it this way is because 1. I don’t need much code that manages ids, 2. the output looks cleaner, 3. I find it easier to work with because of the remove pattern that I described in my previous mail. The downside is that it’s hard to remove lots of items that are grepped. If you want to do that, and you don’t need to identify the items by their date, then you can do that manually in vim by deleting the lines. I recommend keeping the items file in version control. Since you don’t have those “Are you really sure about this?” messages, then that could save you from a disaster or two.