On Wed, 18 Aug 2010 01:38:26 +0300 (AST)
Nikhilesh S <s.nikhil...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, 17 Aug 2010, Alexander Teinum wrote:
> > It might be obvious, but there’s one thing that I have found that is
> > nice about changing ids, and that’s when you’re removing items in a
> > row. Count how many items you want to remove, and then remove the
> > first id three times.
> >
> > Type command, enter, arrow up, enter, arrow up, enter.
> for i in {1..3}; do flo -r $i; done

And that -- along with many other useful scripts -- will break
*horribly* if flo changes ID numbers on its own.

I would prefer to see ID numbers generated by pulling enough bytes out
of /dev/urandom (10 bytes? 20? probably not more) and converting them
to base32.  UUIDs are unnecessarily verbose, and depending on how they
are generated, they can leak information about the physical computer
that they were produced on.

Robert Ransom

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