
> Message de Kris Maglione: lun. 26/07/10, 19:46:43 -0400
> Event AreaFocus       if wi_seltag | grep $master_tags >/dev/null; then
>               export area=$1
>               width=$(wmiir read /tag/sel/index | awk '$2 == ENVIRON["area"] 
> { print $4; exit }')
>               delta=$(($master_width - $width))
>               if [ $area = 1 ]; then dir=right; else dir=left; done
>               wmiir write /tag/sel/ctl grow sel sel $dir ${width}px
>       fi

Well, I found (some of) the problems I had with these commands, and
some fixes. However there was still an odd behaviour, for example when
there are 3 columns, the two first of which have minimal width. Then
col 1 cannot grow to right because col 2 has minimal width, and col 2
cannot grow to left because col 1 has minimal width. 

Although not perfect, the following commands give a better result.
They can certainly be improved.

Event AreaFocus
    for dir in left right; do
        width=$(wmiir read /tag/sel/index | awk '$2 == '$area' { print $4 }')
        delta=$(($master_width - $width))
        wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl grow sel sel $dir ${delta}px

Thanks again for your help, 

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