On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 01:20:59AM +0200, LuX wrote:
> 2) or otherwise to make the focused column overlap the others of a
> given percentage while the others columns keep the same width.
You can keep the overlapping client in the floating area and use
wmii-2 style detaching (replace its tags with something, say "|") and
attaching (replace first client's tags in the, say "|", view with
current tag) actions to bring the overlapping client into your view
when you need it.
Indeed. That's why wmii doesn't do this anymore. :)
Here is an example from my wmiirc:
Thank you for the links, but honestly I don't understand them. I only
have some basic notions of programming, in bash for example, but not
in Ruby. I would prefer a solution not using yet-another-language. Is
it possible to "translate" your hint in a simpler way?
On lun., juil. 26, 2010 at 12:40:53 +0200, Thomas Dahms wrote:
You might try subtle [..] And you have to like Ruby.
Maybe I will give it a try, but I really like wmii hence I would
prefer to keep with it if possible… and I don't know anything about
It could be, but it's a whole can of worms and I'm not sure it
suits your purpose. In the sh wmiirc, you'd probably do
something like,
Event AreaFocus
if wi_seltag | grep $master_tags >/dev/null; then
export area=$1
width=$(wmiir read /tag/sel/index | awk '$2 == ENVIRON["area"]
{ print $4; exit }')
delta=$(($master_width - $width))
if [ $area = 1 ]; then dir=right; else dir=left; done
wmiir write /tag/sel/ctl grow sel sel $dir ${width}px
or something to that effect. Can't say that I like the idea
much myself, but to each his own.
Kris Maglione
Microsoft is not the answer. Microsoft is the question. NO is the
--Eric Naggum