On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 1:20 PM, Andrew Antle <andrew.an...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 12:55 PM, Donald Allen <donaldcal...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I actually offered to do this in a private message to Anselm last
> December.
> > He didn't respond. He's always been very good about responding to my
> emails
> > (and in a very gentlemanly way, I might add), so I think this one just
> fell
> > through a crack (and I'd be lying if I claimed I'd never done this
> myself).
> > That I sent it on the day before Xmas probably didn't help. In that
> message
> > I mentioned that I wasn't sure what the protocol was for fixing the
> patches
> > of others (e.g., suppose I fix a problem in a way that is not acceptable
> to
> > the original author -- what then?).
> > /Don
> Hey Don -
> Aside from v4hn's previous mail; that's what the wiki's for. :) Just
> clone the repo, add your patch with a different name and an
> explanation. It doesn't have to replace v4hn's. One might work for
> someone's setup, the other for another's...
> > I don't want to take the time to do this if it won't be used.
> This might be part of the problem. You'd use it, right? It's probably
> taken more time having this short conversation than patching and
> committing it.

The operative word being "probably". This has taken a WHOLE lot more time
than our nice conversation, and I don't think it's working, so need some

 I checked out the whole wiki using

hg clone http://hg.suckless.org/sites

just like it says. I've made my modifications in sites/
dwm.suckless.org/patches -- generated an alternative patch file for the
bstack patch and modified the description of the patch accordingly. While
cd'ed to my local 'sites' directory, I then did

hg pull

to make sure I had any recent changes (I assume hg takes care of the obvious
race in this?):

d...@sergei:~/Software/suckless/sites$ hg pull
pulling from http://hg.suckless.org/sites
searching for changes
no changes found

But then I tried to push my changes:

d...@sergei:~/Software/suckless/sites$ hg push
pushing to http://hg.suckless.org/sites
searching for changes
no changes found

No changes? Not true. Can someone explain what's happening? (I have not used
hg before. I'm an old-timer, very familiar with rcs and cvs and just a bit
with svn. No git, no hg.)


> Cheers,
> --
> Andrew Antle
> <andrew dot antle at gmail dot com>

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