I would love to have such lib usable for more than one kernel (w32, bsd, osx, linux..) this is theorically the big benefit of glibc.. but it is certainly something i would love
to have..

NetBSD have a good Libc implementation, but it is not suckless.. I would certainly like to see something like a libc from scratch taking code from bionic and netbsd
implementing the functions we need in order to run the software we use.

This code coverage can be easily done with some hooks in the PLT table, so we
can reduce the number of C functions needed.

I would prefer to have a smart and small C library that follows POSIX, but does not
implements it completely.

The kernel comunication must be done separatedly, so we can use this on linux,
windows or plan9.

On 06/11/10 13:02, Moritz Wilhelmy wrote:
Do we have feature-complete alternatives to GNU libc?
eglibc is not an option, since it's based solely on the point that Drepper is
an asshole.
 From what I heard, uClibc is incomplete, as is klibc and dietlibc..
What else do we have? Android libc? How many programs depend on glibc?

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