On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 01:02:02PM +0200, Moritz Wilhelmy wrote:
Do we have feature-complete alternatives to GNU libc?
eglibc is not an option, since it's based solely on the point that Drepper is
an asshole.

Drepper is an asshole. That's as good a reason as any.

From what I heard, uClibc is incomplete, as is klibc and dietlibc..
What else do we have? Android libc? How many programs depend on glibc?

We don't need one. 9base needs the bare minimals of system libc support. dietlibc works fine.

For the rest of the system, well, there are linux systems built solely on dietlibc, but a lot of programs are indeed tightly tied to glibc. I have enough trouble building some programs on BSD. It would be nice, though, if someone would port one of the BSD libcs to linux.

Kris Maglione

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