On Sun, Jun 06, 2010 at 11:34:08AM +0200, Alexander Teinum wrote:
> I actually prefer cycling between the applications that I work with,
> and I was going to create an alt+tab patch to give it the traditional
> alt+tab behavior. Now I don’t have to. Thanks!
You're welcome!

> What is a minor annoyance for me is how the  “m”-mode in dwm is
> implemented. The clients that aren’t in focus are visible underneath
> the focused window. At least I think that’s how it’s done, since I can
> see Chromium at the bottom of urxvtc.
I'm not sure to understand correct this behaviour. If "m"-mode means the
default meta-m keystroke (monocle layout in vanilla config.h), how can you see
more than on client in monocle. Does your focused window is floating?

> One thing that might be a bit off-topic, but I have been thinking
> about the placement of the left alt-key lately. I have caps lock
> mapped as control, and I only use the caps key and the left alt for
> controlling stuff – i.e. I don’t care about the Windows- or the
> Fn-key, or anything to the left of the left alt. I have observed that
> both of my thumbs rest on the space key, but I only hit space with the
> right thumb. What would make the keyboard more ergonomic for my use
> was if half of the space key was an alt key. What a waste of space
> (pun) the way that it is now. I have to move my thumb 2–3 cm into an
> awkward position every time that I want to press alt – which is
> something that I do very often. Imagine doing alt+j and alt+k without
> moving the thumb…
What about place your awkward key to either one of the shift keys (that you use
less often, or don't use at all :-)). I can't think a better solution, except
to use F1[0-2] if you only have 9 or less tags; this, though, sounds
uncomfortable as well. I'll think a bit about this in order to improve my
layout too. Thanks for the hint.

Claudio M. Alessi

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