[Disclaimer: I love OpenBSD] On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 10:26:03PM +0100, Ethan Grammatikidis wrote: > Why is there software being developed for any BSD either? I have a > FreeBSD box, I wonder what the commands are. > > Grep is... Gnu grep! Gnu grep is an abomination! I used it on a big > file last November when I was still using Linux. I noticed it took a > seemingly unreasonable time, decided to try Plan 9's grep. I am not > kidding in the least when I say it was FOUR HUNDRED TIMES faster. To > be fair to Gnu in general it's just grep, Gnu sed was nearly 200 > times faster than grep at the same task, but that bug's only been > open for 5 years. What grep does your BSD use?
OpenBSD does not use GNU grep. I'm not sure how it compares speed wise though. > diffutils - no horror stories I know of, but it's the same one linux > uses. OpenBSD has their own diff. > gcc... do I even need to begin? You want to do anything remotely > interesting and it can't generate the code correctly with any set of > options! Well, can't say much here. OpenBSD did just make the switch from GCC3 to GCC4 recently in -current, and I believe the main reason was for C++ support. Also note that OpenBSD is trying to phase out all C++ from the source tree (ex. see mandoc) so they can switch to using pcc. > What about the kernels? NetBSD - XML parser in the kernel! At least > the Linux kernel maintainers keep some of the crap out. FreeBSD... > not really heard much positive about it, and Stealth used to say it > was just "trying to be Linux" anyway. OpenBSD's hardware support > seems to be around the level of Plan 9's, but at least it's got gcc, > eh? Looking around for something to replace Linux at the end of last > year I seriously got a "why bother" feeling about all the BSDs. If hardware doesn't work in openbsd there's usually a good reason, like if a hardware vendor will not release documentation (with or without an NDA). I would rather run something which has a strict no-blob policy and find hardware which works with it then relying on hacks and blobs for bad hardware. > A little careful listening & my feeling became more than just "why > bother". "Cat went to _Berkley_ [not Gnu] and came back waving > flags." It's Berkley that took a good unix and started gluing cruft > to it, and if Gnu has attracted more hackers to glue rubbish onto > their stuff, so what? The attitude is still there, certainly in > FreeBSD and NetBSD, so what reason is there to believe they won't > mess up any future features they take from Plan 9? From what I hear > they already have screwed up union mounts. Union mounts are crucial > to Plan 9's design! >From cat(1): SEE ALSO head(1), less(1), more(1), pr(1), sh(1), tail(1), vis(1), setbuf(3) Rob Pike, UNIX Style, or cat -v Considered Harmful, USENIX Summer Conference Proceedings, 1983. Yeah, they recognize the problem. I think it's more there for historical reasons then because anyone likes it. If this counts as fanboyism I'll gladly take the label. :) OpenBSD sucks considerably less then any other unix I've tried. Josh Rickmar