And your biggest reason of using that linux term is ncurses support, right?

Oh, I love people most when they talk about ignorance.

The idea of plan 9 is, that it's not possible to implement the
underlying ideas cleanly on older systems.

On 5/30/10, Marvin Vek <> wrote:
> On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 01:22:01PM -0400, Kris Maglione wrote:
>> On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 07:01:11PM +0200, Marvin Vek wrote:
>> >Iirc: you're not using that ugly, bloated, badly implemented Linux or
>> >BSD then, right? Cause that would be weird!
>> >
>> >Loving good tools and implementations is one thing, coping with problems
>> >or improving situations to write decent alternatives is another.
>> >
>> >Fanboyism and joining mailinglists just to say what they use is shit and
>> >you've got it all better is imho uncalled for.
>> I could be wrong, but, isn't that the whole point of this list?
> Not afaik. Why is there software beeing developed for Linux? Why aren't
> we all on Plan9 and forget about that hideous OS? Again, if i understand
> it correctly, the idea is to learn from Plan9, implement it's idea's
> cause they're good, and do have decent alternatives. The fanboyism is
> getting a bit on my nerves.
> --
> Marvin Vek
> -
> printk(KERN_WARNING MYNAM ": (bad VooDoo)
> ");
>         linux-2.6.6/drivers/message/fusion/mptctl.c

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