On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 7:30 PM, yy <yiyu....@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2010/3/3 Anders Andersson <pipat...@gmail.com>:
>> On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 5:38 PM, yy <yiyu....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Since Go was released I have been playing with it. Is there any
>>> interest in the Go port of dwm?
>> What would be the benefits of porting dwm to a new language? From my
>> point of view, dwm is already functional and mature, porting it over
>> to Go doesn't sound very constructive.
>> // pipe
> I agree there are no inmediate benefits, but there is an incomplete
> port in the repo (almost nothing) and I was asking if there was any
> interest in finishing it. Anselm said, when Go was released, that he
> was considering using Go for future suckless project. Although later
> he decided he would wait until the language was more mature (which I
> think was a right decission) I would consider porting dwm as a first
> (experimental, if you want) step in that direction, not a final goal.
> Anyway, if there is no interest in the idea, that is perfectly fine,
> and I won't arguee any more. There are many interesting projects. I
> just thought I'd let it drop.
> @pancake: I would use xgb, which implements the X protocol, not C
> bindings. In any way, I doubt you could notice the speed difference
> between a Go and a C version of dwm (at least, not running it in
> normal conditions; of course you could launch thousands of windows to
> see which one is faster, but that would be even more stupid than
> porting dwm to Go).
> @Anselm: I agree a MTA would be a good fit for Go. I would not apply
> for that one, but it could be included in the ideas list. A werc port
> would be interesting, I'd like to know uriel's opinion.

As I said in #cat-v, I don't think it makes much sense, a great part
of the essence of werc is that it is just a bunch of shell pipelines,
and that makes customization and specialized one-off apps and other
hacks really beautiful, because you can often do it by just adding an
extra sed(1) or grep(1) call here or there.

What I would like is to see rc and the rest of the p9p commands ported
to Go, which is the goal of the Goblin project:
http://repo.cat-v.org/goblin/ Some people have already started to do
work on this (I'm a lazy asshole that has been distracted by other
things, but I hope to get to it).

Then werc could run directly on the Go toolset.


> --
> - yiyus || JGL . 4l77.com

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