I would love to see a suckless windowing system. I know 
that it is a point on the project page. But that is something
I see as a important thing for me. But I'm also not sure
if that is something which can be done during the GSoC.

I think the approch of Stali is intresting but since
I'm a BSD guy it doesn't intrest me so much.

On Wed, Mar 03, 2010 at 08:07:19AM +0000, Anselm R Garbe wrote:
> Hi there,
> GSoC 2010 has kicked of and is looking for mentoring organisations
> next week, hence it's time now to get organised.
> Who is willing to mentor this time?
> What project ideas do you have apart from http://suckless.org/project_ideas?
> Note, to be successful this time, we need to focus on a bunch of
> similar projects according to Google's feedback of last year. They
> basically argued that our proposals were too diverse.
> I'd say let's have a deadline until Saturday for these discussions and
> in order to have enough time to create a successful application on
> Monday. I also got the impression that early applications are checked
> more carefully by the Google guys as late applications (afaik our
> application was neither early or late last time) -- but this time I
> want to press the submit button as early as possible.
> Cheers,
> Anselm

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