On 22-10-2009 19:14:10, sta...@cs.tu-berlin.de wrote:
> * Tadeusz Sośnierz <tadzi...@gmail.com> [2009-10-22 18:17]:
> > Then we will end up with some shit like uzbl - the browser which cannot
> > browse the web.
> What web do you have there? It must be a strange one. I haven't used any
> other X browser at home for months (except for testing surf). Please
> consider to try to localise the problem in the system consisting of you,
> the browser, and the web. And then report again.
Well, looks like I have to apologize. For some unknown reason I was
thinking that uzbl is handling link-clicking through some external
scripts, but I just cloned the git version and looks like I was wrong.
Sorry for my trolling, mea culpa.

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