On Fri, 9 Oct 2009 10:37:39 +0200
Yoshi Rokuko <yoshi.rok...@yokuts.org> wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 07, 2009 at 10:51:38PM +0200, Julien Steinhauser wrote:
> >
> > On surf, ctrl-y, echo -e `sselp | dmenu` >> $file bound to a key
> > binding, and you can tag it as you like, retrieving is just as so
> > easy, just load the grepped file in a vertical dmenu, fresch patch
> > for dmenu on archlinux forum has multiselect feature so one can
> > load several url in one dmenu go.
> > 
> > On a surf launched with the -x option, the two steps required to add
> > a tagged bookmark to a list are reduced to one step.
> > If one wish to add the window title to the bookmark,
> > just pasting such a string somewhere in the bookmarking script does
> > the trick xprop -id `cat ~/.surf/id` | grep WM_ICON_NAME\(STRING\)
> > | cut -c 24-
> > 
> i try to minimize my key bindings that's why i use a bmark script
> (evoked by dmenu again) like that:
> switch(`{echo -e search\nload\nstore | dmenu}){
> case store
>     xprop _SURF_URL | sed 's/.*= "//;s/"//' >> /home/hiro/bmarks
> case load
>     xprop -f _SURF_URL 8t -set _SURF_URL `{cat /home/hiro/bmarks |
> dmenu_vrtc -l 20} case search
>     query=`{echo | dmenu}
>     xprop -f _SURF_URL 8t -set _SURF_URL
> 'http://www.google.de/search?q='^$"query } 
> i don't use the xid because i dont know how to do it, how do you guys
> do it? how do you start surf (script?), do you have only one surf
> instance? what do i miss here?
> regards, yOshi

Here's my custom config.h and and my surf-script.sh.  The config.h is
for hg tip, but the spawn function works in 0.1.2 as well.  Just
copy/paste as required.

surf-script.sh should be placed at $HOME/.surf/surf-script.sh.  There
should also be a file at $HOME/.surf/stack with a list of urls.

The spawn function calls surf-script.sh with a configurable first
argument (look at the keybindings), the xid as the second argument, and
the url as the third. surf-script.sh is just a fancy case statement that
acts according to the first argument.

surf-script.sh can also be called with no arguments for a new browser
instance.  I use it bound to a key in dwm to launch surf.

The script also interprets "g foo bar" to be a google search for "foo

/* modifier 0 means no modifier */
static gchar *progress       = "dodgerblue2";
static gchar *progress_trust = "#00FF00";

static void spawn(Client *c, const Arg *arg);

static Key keys[] = {
    /* modifier	            keyval      function    arg             Focus */
    { MODKEY|GDK_SHIFT_MASK,GDK_r,      reload,     { .b = TRUE },  Any },
    { MODKEY,               GDK_r,      reload,     { .b = FALSE }, Any },
    { MODKEY|GDK_SHIFT_MASK,GDK_g,      showurl,    { 0 },          Any },
    { MODKEY,               GDK_slash,  showsearch, { 0 },          Any },
    { 0,                    GDK_Escape, hidesearch, { 0 },          Any },
    { 0,                    GDK_Escape, hideurl,    { 0 },          Any },
    { MODKEY|GDK_SHIFT_MASK,GDK_p,      print,      { 0 },          Any },
    { MODKEY,               GDK_p,      clipboard,  { .b = TRUE },  Browser },
    { MODKEY,               GDK_y,      clipboard,  { .b = FALSE }, Browser },
    { MODKEY|GDK_SHIFT_MASK,GDK_j,      zoom,       { .i = -1 },    Browser },
    { MODKEY|GDK_SHIFT_MASK,GDK_k,      zoom,       { .i = +1 },    Browser },
    { MODKEY|GDK_SHIFT_MASK,GDK_i,      zoom,       { .i = 0  },    Browser },
    { MODKEY,               GDK_l,      navigate,   { .i = +1 },    Browser },
    { MODKEY,               GDK_h,      navigate,   { .i = -1 },    Browser },
    { MODKEY,               GDK_j,      scroll,     { .i = +1 },    Browser },
    { MODKEY,               GDK_k,      scroll,     { .i = -1 },    Browser },
    { 0,                    GDK_Escape, stop,       { 0 },          Browser },
    { MODKEY,               GDK_o,      source,     { 0 },          Browser },
    { MODKEY,               GDK_n,      searchtext, { .b = TRUE },  Browser|SearchBar },
    { MODKEY|GDK_SHIFT_MASK,GDK_n,      searchtext, { .b = FALSE }, Browser|SearchBar },
    { 0,                    GDK_Return, searchtext, { .b = TRUE },  SearchBar },
    { GDK_SHIFT_MASK,       GDK_Return, searchtext, { .b = FALSE }, SearchBar },
    { 0,                    GDK_Return, loaduri,    { .v = NULL },  UrlBar },
    { 0,                    GDK_Return, hideurl,    { 0 },          UrlBar },
    { MODKEY,               GDK_g,      spawn,      { .v = "go" },  Any },
    { MODKEY,               GDK_b,      spawn,      { .v = "add" }, Any },

spawn(Client *c, const Arg *arg) {
	const gchar *filename;
	const gchar *scriptname;

	scriptname = "surf-script.sh";
	filename = g_build_filename(workdir, scriptname, NULL);

	const gchar *command = (gchar *)arg->v;
	const gchar *xid = g_strdup_printf("%u", (guint)GDK_WINDOW_XID(GTK_WIDGET(c->win)->window));
	if (fork() ==0)
		execlp(filename, scriptname, command, xid, webkit_web_view_get_uri(c->view), NULL);

Attachment: surf-script.sh
Description: application/shellscript

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