On Wed, Oct 07, 2009 at 10:51:38PM +0200, Julien Steinhauser wrote: > > On surf, ctrl-y, echo -e `sselp | dmenu` >> $file bound to a key binding, > and you can tag it as you like, retrieving is just as so easy, just load > the grepped file in a vertical dmenu, fresch patch for dmenu on archlinux > forum has multiselect feature so one can load several url in one dmenu go. > > On a surf launched with the -x option, the two steps required to add > a tagged bookmark to a list are reduced to one step. > If one wish to add the window title to the bookmark, > just pasting such a string somewhere in the bookmarking script does the trick > xprop -id `cat ~/.surf/id` | grep WM_ICON_NAME\(STRING\) | cut -c 24- >
i try to minimize my key bindings that's why i use a bmark script (evoked by dmenu again) like that: switch(`{echo -e search\nload\nstore | dmenu}){ case store xprop _SURF_URL | sed 's/.*= "//;s/"//' >> /home/hiro/bmarks case load xprop -f _SURF_URL 8t -set _SURF_URL `{cat /home/hiro/bmarks | dmenu_vrtc -l 20} case search query=`{echo | dmenu} xprop -f _SURF_URL 8t -set _SURF_URL 'http://www.google.de/search?q='^$"query } i don't use the xid because i dont know how to do it, how do you guys do it? how do you start surf (script?), do you have only one surf instance? what do i miss here? regards, yOshi