Hi all,

Kris requested feedback before releasing wmii 3.9, so here is mine:

- The fullscreen bugs (#22 and #68) should probably be fixed before a release. #22 can completely destroy your column layout when toggling fullscreen, while #68 may make clients invisible. A release should not have such severe bugs.

- With the new alternative Python wmiirc and probably coming more in the future, I wonder if it still makes sense to keep the logic to choose rc.wmii over wmiirc when rc is found. Personally, I would prefer less clutter and choose which wmiirc I put in ~/.wmii-hg/ without having wmii think for me depending on the installed software. Just let rc.wmii be an alternative wmiirc like the Python one with nothing rc-related installed in /etc by default.

- Switch from ~/.wmii-hg to ~/.wmii.

Just my thoughts.


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