On Sat, 13 Jun 2009 11:15:54 +0100
Alexander Clouter <a...@digriz.org.uk> wrote:

> Jeremy Jay <dinkuma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > As much as I love dwm and suckless projects in general, I could
> > really do without all the off-topic conversations by the same 10
> > people.  If there will not be split
> > suckless-dev/suckless-discussion lists I will be unsubscribing.  I
> > hate to miss all the good code and patches, but I also hate dealing
> > with the other 90% of the emails and their associated egos. I'm
> > sure there are others listening who agree.
> >
> I do feel your pain.

Maybe it is time for you two to upgrade your e-mail programs? I have no
problem deleting threads I don't want to read.

Frankly, I'm more annoyed about people whining about something when
there are perfectly good software solutions to fix the problem, than
people discussing problems more or less off-topic.


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