Hi! I enjoyed following the d...@suckless.org list. I'm not a C programmer but I enjoyed reading the fine comments people made about dwm code and patches to it. I also got a lot of hints about different kind of useful suckless software.
It was easy to decide if I wanted to read or not the mails based on the subject. When the mailing lists got merged, somehow d...@suckless.org started to suck. There is a lot of noise and it seems that the people that used to actively post to d...@suckless.org are not posting there anymore. At least that is my opinion, I don't have any facts to back that up. It seems to me that the overall quality of the conversations has dropped. I don't enjoy following the list anymore. Previously when I noticed new messages in the dwm list I got excited, now I just get annoyed. I will probably unsubscribe to this list. I just hope dwm won't start sucking as much as this mailing list. -Niklas