On Thu, 7 Nov 2024 at 07:38, Christian Ortlepp wrote:
>  > Semantic versioning is followed.
> Even if no Jakarta Interfaces/Annotations are part of Pulsars public
> API, switching to jakarta can (and probably will) mess with the
> dependency resolution of everybody who uses the client. So I do think
> this is a breaking change, even if no javax/jakarta interfaces are used
> explicitly anywhere in Pulsars API.

It's true that some use cases could break. Relying on transitive
dependencies is not a great idea in general.
We won't be incrementing the major version for fixing issues in
transitive dependencies.

>  > It looks like there are problems with the shading configuration of
> > pulsar-client-all and pulsar-client-admin-shaded.
> We are just using the pulsar-client. I also did not know that pulsar
> shades its dependencies, but from a quick look at the pom it looks to me
> that (of the javax libraries) it only shades javax.annotation, but not
> javax.ws.rs-api, javax.activation, javax.validation. But this is just
> what I'm reading from the POM, I have not tried it out yet. So I also do
> not have any acute problems yet, but I will IF pulsar actually needs any
> of the javax libraries like it advertises this in the POM (if it shades
> them all I should not have any problems).

That's exactly the issue in the shading configuration.

> I am honestly a bit confused at the moment, is what is published on
> maven central as "pulsar-client" actually "pulsar-client-shaded"?

Yes, "pulsar-client" in maven central is published by the
"pulsar-client-shaded" module in the source code. The "pulsar-client"
module in source code is published as "pulsar-client-original" to
maven central.


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