In the Pulsar code base, there are some dependencies to javax / Java
EE interface libraries due to Jetty 9.4.x dependencies.
It will be necessary to upgrade to Jetty 12
( in order to get rid of
javax / Java EE interfaces in the Pulsar codebase.
In Jetty 12, you can choose between Java EE 8, Jakarta EE 9 or Jakarta
EE 10 interfaces. In my Jetty 12 upgrade WIP changes
(, I have made changes to
migrate to Java EE 8 without switching to use Jakarta interfaces.
However it might be useful to use Jakarta EE interfaces directly since
the plugin interface for "additional servlets" will break in any case
when we upgrade to Jetty 12.

This is the Jetty 12 upgrade thread: . The
original plan was to target Pulsar 4.0, but that didn't happen. This
is the last update: .

Would you be interested in contributing to the Jetty 12 and Jakarta EE


On Mon, 28 Oct 2024 at 18:03, Christian Ortlepp
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> are there any plans for pulsar to migrate to Jakarta EE? Is any work
> going on in this regard? If not, are there any concrete reasons for this
> (apart from nobody did it yet) and would you be open to merging
> something in this regard? Are there any particular pain-points that one
> should expect/know about beforehand.
> I could only find a stale Github Issue
> ( Any further information
> would be greatly appreciated.
> Best Regards,
> Christian

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