Sounds good. Looking forward to it!
btw. We currently have 2 modules that are test libraries: "testmocks" and 
"pulsar-testclient". The pom.xmls of those projects could be useful when 
splitting out the test libraries.


On 2024/10/31 22:15:03 Heesung Sohn wrote:
> Hi all,
> I think we can refactor/split the `tests` module(the integration test
> module) to reuse the integration test code better.
> Currently, there are good test classes to reuse(such as topic message
> test cases, container setup, and other test util funcs), but this
> module is built under "test" scope only, making it hard to reuse in
> other projects.
> I propose the following module structure.
> `tests` : contains actual integ test runners built under test
> scope(e.g. test-ng test classes, depending on `pulsar-inttest-lib,
> `pulsar-inttest-client` and other modules)
> `pulsar-inttest-lib` : contains common test libraries(test-utils, test
> containers, and other sharable integ test setups)
> `pulsar-inttest-client` : contains common integ-test client cases (it
> should contain only client side test logic, depending on PulsarClient
> and PulsarAdmin). These test cases can be used in `tests`.
> I am looking forward to your feedback.
> Thanks,
> Heesung

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