Can you elaborate a bit:
1. What is FIPS?
2. Why is the FIPS version safer exactly?
3. What is bouncycastle used exactly in Pulsar?

On Wed, Feb 22, 2023 at 11:58 AM Zixuan Liu <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I would like to discuss using the bouncycastle fips instead of the
> bouncycastle non-fips.
> The bouncycastle is a Java library that complements the default Java
> Cryptographic Extension (JCE), which has two versions: fips version and
> non-fips version.
> The fips version is safer than non-fips. When the security level is very
> high, many policies require the fips version, but the Pulsar default uses
> the non-fips version. Switch this is complex, because
> the `pulsar-client-messagecrypto-bc` module and root project depends on the
> non-fips, so I suggest we switch to fips version from non-fips.
> Reference:
> -
> -
> -
> Thanks,
> Zixuan

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