I think it would be valuable to have admin clients in many languages.
Has anyone tried generating an admin client from our generated open
api spec?

I notice that the Java Client and the Java Admin Client are separate
dependencies. Is this boundary important to maintain for other
language admin clients?


On Thu, Feb 16, 2023 at 7:47 PM ZhangJian He <shoot...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I would like to express that the current Pulsar client for Go
> (pulsar-client-go) is missing the pulsar Admin API. As such, I would like
> to propose that we work towards adding this feature to pulsar-client-go.
> I believe that this new feature would be a valuable addition to
> pulsar-client-go, and I am excited to work to make it happen.
> I have submitted a PR: https://github.com/apache/pulsar-client-go/pull/959
> The full api is not currently available, but we are adding.
> Below is a simple example about how to use
> ## usage
> ```go
> package main
> import (
> "fmt"
> "github.com/apache/pulsar-client-go/padmin"
> )
> func main() {
> admin, err := padmin.NewDefaultPulsarAdmin()
> if err != nil {
> panic(err)
> }
> // get namespace topic list
> topics, err := admin.PersistentTopics.ListNamespaceTopics("tenant",
> "namespace")
> if err != nil {
> panic(err)
> }
> fmt.Println(topics)
> }
> ```
> Thanks
> ZhangJian He

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