Hi Lari,

Thanks for starting this discussion. The overall proposal looks good and
it's really great that you can spend some time on such a significant

One comment here is that we can start with all "authorized" users to
trigger the CI in the committer group instead of introducing a new concept
"reviewer" - it will be another topic to discuss and I generally prefer
more committership to encourage participation instead of a complicated
membership structure.

Besides, a quick fixup for reducing traffic is setting "Fork pull request
workflows from outside collaborators" option[1] as "Require approval for
all outside collaborators". This is provided out-of-the-box by GitHub and
requires NO development[2]. Although it doesn't restrict people who are
already apache org members but are not Pulsar committers, I believe the
trust level is acceptable. An INFRA team member will be asked to perform
the settings change if we want this.


[1] https://github.com/apache/pulsar/settings/actions

Lari Hotari <lhot...@apache.org> 于2022年9月15日周四 16:36写道:

> Hi all,
> The GitHub Actions based Pulsar CI has been experiencing issues for
> multiple weeks. The condition is currently better, but the resource
> shortage issue remains. CI builds will take a long time to complete even
> after many optimizations have been made.
> There's a long email thread with some details about the past issues:
> https://lists.apache.org/thread/p7rb04vf1mt0kk3v2r7xl9dvb3zkhtxf
> I have filed an issue to GitHub support about the CI issues over a week
> ago, and I finally received an answer a few hours ago. However the
> GitHub support person didn't reply to my questions at all, but instead
> suggested that there's a beta program where it's possible to pay for
> more resources. That solution isn't suitable for our case, since it
> doesn't seem to be possible to assign GitHub Actions Runner VM resources
> only for a specific Apache project. I'll follow up with GitHub support, but
> I don't expect that to resolve our problems in the near term. We need
> to make changes in our CI resource consumption.
> In a the-asf Slack thread [1] about Pulsar CI issues, Martin Grigorov
> suggested: "Apache Spark project requires that all PRs are executed in
> the contributor's GHA quota. Maybe Pulsar can do the same ?!"
> The Apache Spark contributing guide contains details about this in the
> "Pull request" section, https://spark.apache.org/contributing.html .
> "Before creating a pull request in Apache Spark, it is important to
> check if tests can pass on your branch because our GitHub Actions
> workflows automatically run tests for your pull request/following
> commits and every run burdens the limited resources of GitHub Actions in
> Apache Spark repository. "
> In Pulsar, we will need to do the same. As a solution to this, Tison
> suggested that we would not run all tests for the PR unless there's a
> "ready-to-test" label on the PR.
> I think this is a good suggestion. We could extend the existing
> "pulsarbot" to help with the automation.
> A reviewer could comment "/pulsarbot ready-to-test" on the PR and
> pulsarbot would add the label and also restart the CI workflow to make
> it proceed and run the tests.
> pulsarbot would check for authorized users. One simple
> approach would be to add a file ".pulsarci.yaml" in apache/pulsar
> repository with the relevant information:
> committer_github_ids:
>   - committer1
>   - committer2
>   ...
> ready_to_test:
>   authorized_github_ids:
>     - userid1
>     - userid2
>     ...
> We would have a script to synchronize all Pulsar committers to this file
> peridiotically (manual step after there's a new committer). ASF provides
> public json files for project members at
> https://whimsy.apache.org/public/public_ldap_projects.json , however the
> mapping to github user names seems to be missing. That could be done
> with a custom script since ASF LDAP contains the github username.
> All Pulsar committers would have access. In addition, there could be other
> users that are authorized for using "/pulsarbot ready-to-test".
> This solution would also require changes in the GitHub Actions workflows
> so that the workflow is failed in an early step unless there's a
> ready-to-test label for the PR.
> With the above solution, we would be able to cut the amount of
> unnecessary builds and get the excessive resource consumption issue
> under control. The PR authors would be instructed to run initial PR
> builds in their own fork and the reviewer should check that this is done
> before approving the PR for testing with "/pulsarbot ready-to-test".
> I would suggest proceeding quickly on this matter without separate PIPs
> or votes. We could follow the Apache lazy consensus
> (https://community.apache.org/committers/lazyConsensus.html) principle
> and make this happen if there aren't objections in the next 72 hours.
> The improvement suggestions to this proposal would obviously be taken
> into account and if someone objects, we wouldn't have reached lazy
> consensus and we wouldn't proceed.
> -Lari
> 1 -
> https://the-asf.slack.com/archives/CBX4TSBQ8/p1661849820238809?thread_ts=1661512133.913279&cid=CBX4TSBQ8

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