master branch is broken once again. Here's the fix:

Please review and merge


On 2022/08/26 12:00:20 Lari Hotari wrote:
> Hi,
> GitHub Actions builds have been piling up in the build queue in the last few 
> days.
> I posted on 
> and created 
> INFRA ticket about this 
> issue.
> There's also a thread on the-asf slack, 
> . 
> It seems that our build queue is finally getting picked up, but it would be 
> great to see if we hit quota and whether that is the cause of pauses. 
> Another issue is that the master branch broke after merging 2 conflicting 
> PRs. 
> The fix is in . 
> Merging PRs will be slow until we have these 2 problems solved and existing 
> PRs rebased over the changes. Let's prioritize merging #17300 before pushing 
> more changes.
> I'd like to point out that a good way to get build feedback before sending a 
> PR, is to run builds on your personal GitHub Actions CI. The benefit of this 
> is that it doesn't consume the shared quota and builds usually start 
> instantly.
> There are instructions in the contributors guide about this. 
> You simply open PRs to your own fork of apache/pulsar to run builds on your 
> personal GitHub Actions CI.
> BR,
> Lari

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