Hi, GitHub Actions builds have been piling up in the build queue in the last few days. I posted on bui...@apache.org https://lists.apache.org/thread/6lbqr0f6mqt9s8ggollp5kj2nv7rlo9s and created INFRA ticket https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-23633 about this issue. There's also a thread on the-asf slack, https://the-asf.slack.com/archives/CBX4TSBQ8/p1661512133913279 .
It seems that our build queue is finally getting picked up, but it would be great to see if we hit quota and whether that is the cause of pauses. Another issue is that the master branch broke after merging 2 conflicting PRs. The fix is in https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pull/17300 . Merging PRs will be slow until we have these 2 problems solved and existing PRs rebased over the changes. Let's prioritize merging #17300 before pushing more changes. I'd like to point out that a good way to get build feedback before sending a PR, is to run builds on your personal GitHub Actions CI. The benefit of this is that it doesn't consume the shared quota and builds usually start instantly. There are instructions in the contributors guide about this. https://pulsar.apache.org/contributing/#ci-testing-in-your-fork You simply open PRs to your own fork of apache/pulsar to run builds on your personal GitHub Actions CI. BR, Lari