Sorry, it should be PIP-132.

Haiting Jiang

On 2021/12/31 12:05:54 Haiting Jiang wrote:
> Pasted below for quoting convenience.
> ——
> ## Motivation
> Currently, Pulsar client (Java) only checks payload size for max message size 
> validation.
> Client throws TimeoutException if we produce a message with too many 
> properties, see [1].
> But the root cause is that is trigged TooLongFrameException in broker server.
> In this PIP, I propose to include message header size when check 
> maxMessageSize of non-batch
> messages, this brings the following benefits.
> 1. Clients can throw InvalidMessageException immediately if properties takes 
> too much storage space.
> 2. This will make the behaviour consistent with topic level max message size 
> check in broker.
> 3. Strictly limit the entry size less than maxMessageSize, avoid sending 
> message to bookkeeper failed.
> ## Goal
> Include message header size when check maxMessageSize for non-batch message 
> on the client side.
> ## Implementation
> ```
> // Add a size check in 
> org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.ProducerImpl#processOpSendMsg
> if (op.msg != null // for non-batch messages only
>     && op.getMessageHeaderAndPayloadSize() > ClientCnx.getMaxMessageSize()) {
>     // finish send op with InvalidMessageException
>     releaseSemaphoreForSendOp(op);
>     op.sendComplete(new PulsarClientException(new InvalidMessageException, 
> op.sequenceId));
> }
> // 
> org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.ProducerImpl.OpSendMsg#getMessageHeaderAndPayloadSize
> public int getMessageHeaderAndPayloadSize() {
>     ByteBuf cmdHeader = cmd.getFirst();
>     cmdHeader.markReaderIndex();
>     int totalSize = cmdHeader.readInt();
>     int cmdSize = cmdHeader.readInt();
>     int msgHeadersAndPayloadSize = totalSize - cmdSize - 4;
>     cmdHeader.resetReaderIndex();
>     return msgHeadersAndPayloadSize;
> }
> ```
> ## Reject Alternatives
> Add a new property like "maxPropertiesSize" or "maxHeaderSize" in broker.conf 
> and pass it to 
> client like maxMessageSize. But the implementation is much more complex, and 
> don't have the 
> benefit 2 and 3 mentioned in Motivation.
> ## Compatibility Issue
> As a matter of fact, this PIP narrows down the sendable range. Previously, 
> when maxMessageSize
> is 1KB, it's ok to send message with 1KB properties and 1KB payload. But with 
> this PIP, the 
> sending will fail with InvalidMessageException.
> One conservative way is to add a boolean config "includeHeaderInSizeCheck" to 
> enable this 
> feature. But I think it's OK to enable this directly as it's more reasonable, 
> and I don't see good 
> migration plan if we add a config for this.
> The compatibility issue is worth discussing. And any suggestions are 
> appreciated.
> [1]
> Thanks,
> Haiting Jiang

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