The discussion in the past was around these points:
 * Pulsar client should remain on JDK 8
 * We could move server modules to JDK 11 for Pulsar 2.9
 * After JDK 17 is out for > 6 months, consider moving server modules to 17

The question, right now, is what "source level" features are we
missing from JDK 11 that we cannot get while achieving JDK 8

JDKs 12-17 have a number of significant new features, but I'm not sure
of any specific feature from JDK 11.


Matteo Merli

On Tue, Aug 31, 2021 at 9:03 AM Ivan Kelly <> wrote:
> > Sorry for not being clear.  My question is, when do we start requiring
> > JDK11+ so that we can start using newer Java features in the Pulsar code
> > base?
> I think this is using jdk11+ for the build and the broker should be fine.
> The client, and modules depended on by the client may be a different story.
> Personally, I'd have no problem pushing it all to jdk11+. jdk8 has
> been eol'd for long enough now.
> -Ivan

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