Do we have consensus on metadata repo + generated docs page to start with?

On Sat, May 29, 2021 at 8:44 AM Jonathan Ellis <> wrote:

> On Fri, May 28, 2021 at 2:55 PM Sijie Guo <> wrote:
>> An alternative is to just add a table to the connectors documentation page
>> like how we add third-party clients.
>> It only refers to the Github repos for those connectors but doesn't point
>> to any downloadable binaries.
>> It provides the ability for people to discover the connectors. People can
>> then go to those repos to find the connectors to use. But the PMC doesn't
>> need to be pulled into the risk for managing versions and releases for
>> external connectors.
> I'm really confused as to how I've implied that the PMC should manage
> versions and releases, because that was the opposite of my intention!
> But yes, that kind of table is exactly what I have in mind.  I'm just
> saying that as an implementation detail, I like the idea to have a separate
> repo that contains connector metadata of the sort that Andrey proposes,
> that we then generate the docs table from.  It's a pretty high barrier to
> entry if we have people editing the docs by hand (and building it to make
> sure it works) to submit a PR for a new connector.

Jonathan Ellis

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