On Thu, May 27, 2021 at 2:38 PM Sijie Guo <guosi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Agreed that the main problem is about discovering the existing pre-built
> Pulsar connectors. I don't think the PMC should involve hosting and
> managing external connectors because it will put the PMC in the situation
> in handling licensing issues that I think we should avoid.

I totally agree that the PMC shouldn't get tied up in licensing discussions
for third party connectors, but I don't see how that's an issue if we're
talking about a repository with descriptions and URLs -- no code, no
binaries.  Am I missing something?

> All the ASF accepted connectors are already in the main Pulsar repo. Even
> they are moved to the pulsar-connectors repo. They are managed and released
> as part of the Pulsar release.

Right, there's no problem here.  Where there is an opportunity to improve
is discoverability for third party connectors that the PMC does *not* want
to bring in and maintain officially.

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