Hi Sijie,

Are you referring to the fact that the Pulsar python package (wheel
package) includes both pub/sub API and the function API? I  If so, why are
there a lot of dependencies being pulled in?  For Pulsar Python Functions,
shouldn't only the following files be pulled into the python package?


It is a minimal set of files. Is the problem you are describing stating
that users wanting to just run Python Functions having to install a package
that also includes the pub/sub API and the Python client? And it would be
better for users that just want to run Python Functions to not have to also
install the python client?



On Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 1:19 AM Sijie Guo <guosi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Currently, the python pulsar client couples function API together with
> Pub/Sub API. That means the python client pulls in a lot of unnecessary
> dependencies for people who only use pub/sub API.
> As discussed in the community meeting last week, I am starting an email
> thread for discussing it. I would like to learn what @Sanjeev Kulkarni
> <sanje...@splunk.com> and @Jerry Peng <jer...@splunk.com> think about it.
> - Sijie

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