Hi, everyone I hope you’ve all been doing well. In June, we have released Pulsar 2.6.0, there are 4 months we haven’t released a major version. So I would like to start an email thread to discuss features that we planned for 2.7.0.
There are some power features in 2.7.0 such as transaction(developer preview) and topic level policy. I’m sorting out the new features And you can find all the change lists from https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pulls?q=milestone%3A2.7.0+-label%3Arelease%2F2.6.2+-label%3Arelease%2F2.6.1+ If you have any suggestions please let me know. I will organize a list for all major features in 2.7.0 and will update it in the email thread later. Regards, Penghui