
I tried to ping those issues to see if they can be moved to 2.5.0. Please
check those issues.

Also since we have pulsar-client-node repo, is pulsar-client-node in a good
shape for releasing an official node client?

- Sijie

On Mon, Jun 10, 2019 at 10:34 AM PengHui Li <> wrote:

> Hi all
> I am planning to start the 2.4.0 release soon (probably next week).
> I would like to check the current status for the in-progress features, to
> see what need to be merged and included in 2.4.0.
> Here is the list of items still in progress. Can the owner confirm if we
> should include them in 2.4.0? Also if they are not started or need more
> time to complete,
> can we push some of them to next release?
> Best regards,
> PengHui

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