A flow in ovs can be accesses by ufid, and in tc by flow handle +
We use the protocol number as the priority so we save a map that
maps from ovs flow id to/from tc flow handle + protocol.
Also added a map to map ovs in_port to/from netdevice.

Signed-off-by: Paul Blakey <pa...@mellanox.com>
Signed-off-by: Shahar Klein <shah...@mellanox.com>
 lib/dpif-hw-netlink.c | 291 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/dpif-hw-netlink.h |   4 +
 2 files changed, 295 insertions(+)

diff --git a/lib/dpif-hw-netlink.c b/lib/dpif-hw-netlink.c
index 5281de7..7394580 100644
--- a/lib/dpif-hw-netlink.c
+++ b/lib/dpif-hw-netlink.c
@@ -40,10 +40,289 @@
 #include "unaligned.h"
 #include "util.h"
 #include "openvswitch/vlog.h"
+#include "netdev-provider.h"
 #include "dpif-hw-netlink.h"
+static char *
+printufid(const ovs_u128 * ovs_ufid)
+    static char ufid[64];
+    if (ovs_ufid)
+        sprintf(ufid, "%x%x%x%x", ovs_ufid->u32[0], ovs_ufid->u32[1],
+                ovs_ufid->u32[2], ovs_ufid->u32[3]);
+    else
+        sprintf(ufid, "(missing_ufid)");
+    return ufid;
+static inline size_t
+hash_ufid(const ovs_u128 * ovs_ufid)
+    return hash_words64((const uint64_t *) ovs_ufid,
+                        sizeof *ovs_ufid / sizeof (uint64_t), 0);
+static inline size_t
+hash_port(odp_port_t port)
+    return hash_int((int) port, 0);
+static inline size_t
+hash_handle_proto_port(int handle, int protocol, odp_port_t port)
+    return hash_int(protocol, hash_int(handle, hash_port(port)));
+static struct netdev *
+port_find(struct dpif_hw_netlink *dpif, odp_port_t port)
+    struct port_netdev_hash_data *data;
+    size_t hash = hash_port(port);
+    struct netdev *res = 0;
+    ovs_mutex_lock(&dpif->hash_mutex);
+    HMAP_FOR_EACH_WITH_HASH(data, node, hash, &dpif->port_to_netdev) {
+        if (data->port == port)
+            break;
+    }
+    if (data) {
+        res = data->netdev;
+        VLOG_DBG
+            ("found port mapping: port number %d -> port name %s (pointer: 
+             port, res->name, res);
+    }
+    ovs_mutex_unlock(&dpif->hash_mutex);
+    return res;
+static int
+port_del_name(struct dpif_hw_netlink *dpif, char *name)
+    struct port_netdev_hash_data *data;
+    ovs_mutex_lock(&dpif->hash_mutex);
+    HMAP_FOR_EACH(data, node, &dpif->port_to_netdev) {
+        if (!strcmp(data->netdev->name, name))
+            break;
+    }
+    if (data)
+        hmap_remove(&dpif->port_to_netdev, &data->node);
+    ovs_mutex_unlock(&dpif->hash_mutex);
+    free(data);
+    return data ? 1 : 0;
+static int
+port_del(struct dpif_hw_netlink *dpif, odp_port_t port)
+    struct port_netdev_hash_data *data;
+    size_t hash = hash_port(port);
+    ovs_mutex_lock(&dpif->hash_mutex);
+    HMAP_FOR_EACH_WITH_HASH(data, node, hash, &dpif->port_to_netdev) {
+        if (data->port == port)
+            break;
+    }
+    if (data)
+        hmap_remove(&dpif->port_to_netdev, &data->node);
+    ovs_mutex_unlock(&dpif->hash_mutex);
+    free(data);
+    return data ? 1 : 0;
+static int
+port_add(struct dpif_hw_netlink *dpif, odp_port_t port, struct netdev *netdev)
+    struct port_netdev_hash_data *data;
+    size_t hash = hash_port(port);
+    int ret = 0;
+    if (!netdev || !netdev->name || !port)
+        return -1;
+    if (netdev->netdev_class == &netdev_internal_class) {
+        if (!strcmp(netdev->name, "skip_hw")) {
+            tc_set_skip_hw(true);
+        }
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (port_del(dpif, port) || port_del_name(dpif, netdev->name)) {
+        VLOG_DBG
+            ("%s %d %s (%p)  port number %d name: %s, deleted to be 
+             __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, dpif, port, netdev->name);
+        ret = 1;
+    }
+    data = malloc(sizeof (struct port_netdev_hash_data));
+    data->netdev = netdev;
+    data->port = port;
+        ("%s %d %s (%p): adding new port mapping: %d -> netdev %p name: %s, 
type: %s, ifindex: %d, hash: %lu\n",
+         __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, dpif, port, netdev, netdev->name,
+         netdev->netdev_class->type, netdev_get_ifindex(netdev), hash);
+    ovs_mutex_lock(&dpif->hash_mutex);
+    hmap_insert(&dpif->port_to_netdev, &data->node, hash);
+    ovs_mutex_unlock(&dpif->hash_mutex);
+    return ret;
+static int
+delhandle(struct dpif_hw_netlink *dpif, const ovs_u128 * ovs_ufid)
+    struct ufid_handle_hash_data *data;
+    size_t hash;
+    if (!ovs_ufid) {
+        VLOG_ERR("%s %d %s (%p) can't delete missing ufid\n", __FILE__,
+                 __LINE__, __func__, dpif);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    hash = hash_ufid(ovs_ufid);
+    VLOG_DBG("%s %d %s (%p): removing %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__,
+             dpif, printufid(ovs_ufid));
+    ovs_mutex_lock(&dpif->hash_mutex);
+    HMAP_FOR_EACH_WITH_HASH(data, node_ufid, hash, &dpif->ufid_to_handle) {
+        if (!memcmp(&data->ovs_ufid, ovs_ufid, sizeof (*ovs_ufid)))
+            break;
+    }
+    if (data) {
+        VLOG_DBG("%s %d %s (%p)  ufid %s found! handle: %d, removing it\n",
+                 __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, dpif, printufid(ovs_ufid),
+                 data->handle);
+        hmap_remove(&dpif->ufid_to_handle, &data->node_ufid);
+        hmap_remove(&dpif->handle_to_ufid, &data->node_handle);
+        free(data);
+    }
+    ovs_mutex_unlock(&dpif->hash_mutex);
+    return data ? 1 : 0;
+static int
+puthandle(struct dpif_hw_netlink *dpif, const ovs_u128 * ovs_ufid,
+          struct netdev *in, odp_port_t port, int handle, int protocol)
+    int ret = 0;
+    size_t hash_to_ufid = hash_handle_proto_port(handle, protocol, port);
+    if (!ovs_ufid) {
+        VLOG_ERR("%s %d %s (%p) missing UFID!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__,
+                 dpif);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if (delhandle(dpif, ovs_ufid))
+        ret = 1;
+    struct ufid_handle_hash_data *data =
+        malloc(sizeof (struct ufid_handle_hash_data));
+    data->ovs_ufid = *ovs_ufid;
+    data->handle = handle;
+    data->netdev = in;
+    data->port = port;
+    data->protocol = protocol;
+    ovs_mutex_lock(&dpif->hash_mutex);
+    hmap_insert(&dpif->ufid_to_handle, &data->node_ufid, hash_ufid(ovs_ufid));
+    hmap_insert(&dpif->handle_to_ufid, &data->node_handle, hash_to_ufid);
+        ("%s %d %s (%p) added mapping %s <-> (handle: %d, protocl: %d, port: 
%d, indev: %p)\n",
+         __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, dpif, printufid(ovs_ufid), handle,
+         protocol, port, in);
+    ovs_mutex_unlock(&dpif->hash_mutex);
+    return ret;
+static ovs_u128 *
+findufid(struct dpif_hw_netlink *dpif, odp_port_t port, int handle,
+         int protocol)
+    struct ufid_handle_hash_data *data;
+    size_t hash = hash_handle_proto_port(handle, protocol, port);
+        ("%s %d %s (%p) finding ufid of (handle: %d,  protocol: %d,  port: 
%d), hash: %lu\n",
+         __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, dpif, handle, protocol, port, hash);
+    ovs_mutex_lock(&dpif->hash_mutex);
+    HMAP_FOR_EACH_WITH_HASH(data, node_handle, hash, &dpif->handle_to_ufid) {
+        if (data->handle == handle && data->port == port
+            && data->protocol == protocol)
+            break;
+    }
+    ovs_mutex_unlock(&dpif->hash_mutex);
+    return data ? &data->ovs_ufid : 0;
+static int
+gethandle(struct dpif_hw_netlink *dpif, const ovs_u128 * ovs_ufid,
+          struct netdev **in, int *protocol, const char *func, int print)
+    struct ufid_handle_hash_data *data;
+    int handle = 0;
+    size_t hash = 0;
+    if (in)
+        *in = 0;
+    if (!ovs_ufid) {
+        VLOG_DBG("%s %d %s (%p) called by %s without a ufid.\n", __FILE__,
+                 __LINE__, __func__, dpif, func);
+        return 0;
+    } else
+        hash = hash_ufid(ovs_ufid);
+    if (print)
+        VLOG_DBG("%s %d %s (%p) called by %s to find ufid %s\n", __FILE__,
+                 __LINE__, __func__, dpif, func, printufid(ovs_ufid));
+    ovs_mutex_lock(&dpif->hash_mutex);
+    HMAP_FOR_EACH_WITH_HASH(data, node_ufid, hash, &dpif->ufid_to_handle) {
+        if (!memcmp(&data->ovs_ufid, ovs_ufid, sizeof (*ovs_ufid)))
+            break;
+    }
+    ovs_mutex_unlock(&dpif->hash_mutex);
+    if (data && (!data->handle || !data->netdev || !data->protocol)) {
+        VLOG_ERR
+            ("mising handle/dev/protocl for ufid: %s, handle: %d, netdev: %p, 
protocol: %d\n",
+             printufid(ovs_ufid), data->handle, data->netdev, data->protocol);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    handle = data ? data->handle : 0;
+    if (in)
+        *in = data ? data->netdev : 0;
+    if (protocol)
+        *protocol = data ? data->protocol : 0;
+    if (print && handle)
+        VLOG_DBG("found ufid: %s, handle: %d, protocol: %d, netdev: %p\n",
+                 printufid(ovs_ufid), handle, data->protocol, data->netdev);
+    return handle;
+static int
+get_ovs_port(struct dpif_hw_netlink *dpif, int ifindex)
+    struct port_netdev_hash_data *data;
+    HMAP_FOR_EACH(data, node, &dpif->port_to_netdev) {
+        if (netdev_get_ifindex(data->netdev) == ifindex) {
+            return data->port;
+        }
+    }
+    return -1;
 static struct dpif_hw_netlink *
 dpif_hw_netlink_cast(const struct dpif *dpif)
@@ -52,6 +331,16 @@ dpif_hw_netlink_cast(const struct dpif *dpif)
 static int
+initmaps(struct dpif_hw_netlink *dpif)
+    hmap_init(&dpif->port_to_netdev);
+    hmap_init(&dpif->ufid_to_handle);
+    hmap_init(&dpif->handle_to_ufid);
+    ovs_mutex_init(&dpif->hash_mutex);
+    return 0;
+static int
 dpif_hw_netlink_open(const struct dpif_class *class OVS_UNUSED,
                      const char *name, bool create, struct dpif **dpifp)
@@ -64,6 +353,8 @@ dpif_hw_netlink_open(const struct dpif_class *class 
     dpif = xzalloc(sizeof *dpif);
+    initmaps(dpif);
     *CONST_CAST(const char **, &dpif->name) = xstrdup(name);
     uint16_t netflow_id = hash_string(dpif->name, 0);
diff --git a/lib/dpif-hw-netlink.h b/lib/dpif-hw-netlink.h
index 42f203e..f44abca 100644
--- a/lib/dpif-hw-netlink.h
+++ b/lib/dpif-hw-netlink.h
@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ struct dpif_hw_netlink {
     struct dpif dpif;
     struct dpif *lp_dpif_netlink;
     const char *const name;
+    struct ovs_mutex hash_mutex;
+    struct hmap port_to_netdev;
+    struct hmap ufid_to_handle;
+    struct hmap handle_to_ufid;
 struct port_netdev_hash_data {

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