On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 1:04 PM, Andy Zhou <az...@ovn.org> wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 6:20 PM, Russell Bryant <russ...@ovn.org> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 3:48 PM, Andy Zhou <az...@ovn.org> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 11:59 AM, Russell Bryant <russ...@ovn.org>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 2:41 PM, Andy Zhou <az...@ovn.org> wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 5:37 AM, Russell Bryant <russ...@ovn.org>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 8:15 PM, Andy Zhou <az...@ovn.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi, Rayn and Russell,
>>>>>> Can we move this discussion to the ovs dev mailing list?  Feel free
>>>>>> to just add it in a reply if you'd like.
>>>>> Done.
>>>>>>> I am wondering how we can actually use the active/backup feature
>>>>>>> that is now part of
>>>>>>> OVSDB to increase OVN availability.
>>>>>> TO be clear, I haven't actually tried this yet.  I'm only speaking
>>>>>> about how I think it should work.
>>>>>>> Specifically:
>>>>>>> 1. When the active OVSDB server failed, should the back up server
>>>>>>> take over, and allow write transactions? One simpler possibility is to
>>>>>>> allow read only access to the backup serve.
>>>>>> The  backup server needs to take over.  It's OK if that requires
>>>>>> intervention by an HA manager like Pacemaker.  If we can't make the 
>>>>>> passive
>>>>>> server take over, I'd say the solution is incomplete.
>>>>> O.K. make sense.
>>>>> One possible issue with backup server taking over is "split head".  In
>>>>> case due to network error, backup server becomes disconnected from the
>>>>> active
>>>>> server, then we may have both server thinking they are active server
>>>>> now.  Does Pacemaker help with solving this issue.
>>>> It can, yes.  I would expect Pacemaker to explicitly configure a node
>>>> to be either the active or passive node.
>>> Manual switching is more straight forward. I agree.
>>>>>>> 2. When a crashed active OVSDB server recovers, should it become the
>>>>>>> new backup, or it should switch back.
>>>>>> Becoming the new backup is fine.  Again, this can be orchestrated by
>>>>>> an HA manager (Pacemaker).
>>>>> I am not familiar with pacemaker. Can I assume it can provide a
>>>>> correct --sync-from argument (pointing to backup server) when relaunch
>>>>> OVSDB server?
>>>> Yes.  I'd have to consult with some Pacemaker experts on exactly what
>>>> the implementation would look like, but roughly:
>>>> Pacemaker manages services using "OCF Resource Agents", which are just
>>>> scripts with a defined set of inputs and outputs for service management.  I
>>>> would imagine a Pacemaker cluster being told it must have exactly 1 active
>>>> and 1 passive OVSDB service.  When the passive OVSDB service is started, it
>>>> would include the "sync-from" argument based on where the active OVSDB
>>>> service is currently running.
>>>> We really need to prototype this and document it.  I'm guessing too
>>>> much.  Pacemaker is frequently used to manage active/passive HA, though.
>>>> Sounds reasonable,  I will work on ovsdb internal changes to support
>>> manual switching, using appctl commands. Then looking into prototyping with
>>> HA systems.  I have not used pacemaker in the past, so it may take some
>>> time to ramp up.
>> I should be able to help.  We need to do this work anyway for integration
>> into OpenStack deployment tools.  Let me see if I can get some helpful
>> examples to follow.
> Thanks for helping out.
> Given that, I now plan to work from bottom up, initially focusing on ovsdb
> server changes.
> 1. Add a state in ovsdb-server for it to know whether it is an active
> server.  Backup server will not accept any connections.  Server started with
> --sync-from argument will be put in the back state by default.
> 2. Add appctl commands to allow manually switch state.
> 3. Add a new table for backup server to register its address and ports.
> OVSDB clients can learn about them at run time. Back up server should issue
> an
> transaction to register its address before issuing the monitoring
> request.  This feature is not strictly necessary, and can be pushed to HA
> manager,
> but having it built into ovsdb-server may make it simpler for integrationl.
> What do you think?
Russell, Would HA manager also manage ovn-controller switch over?
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