
So maybe it is just me, but I really don't get the similarity w IPv4 options. 
Both Geneve and NSH have TLV options. I have not seen a definition of the 
Geneve TLV format either (pls excuse me if I have missed it, and pls point me 
in the right direction).

Anyhow, I wonder how we move forward, we have multiple folks suggesting we can 
implement MD Type 1 first and see no bearing for OvS if we add MD TYPE 2 later. 
So is it a rough consensus? Multiple committers opine on this?


Uri (“Oo-Ree”)
C: 949-378-7568

-----Original Message-----
From: Jesse Gross [] 
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2016 8:40 AM
To: Elzur, Uri <>
Cc: Thomas F Herbert <>; Jiri Benc <>;; Manuel Buil <>;; 
László Sürü <>; Paul Quinn (paulq) <>;
Subject: Re: [ovs-dev] [RFC PATCH v2 00/13] Add Network Service Header Support

On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 10:44 PM, Elzur, Uri <> wrote:
> +1 on starting w MD Type = 1
> Not sure I understand the concern expressed with " implementations that don't 
> implement TLVs will become deployed and  then when there is a use for them 
> it's no longer possible." - why will it not be possible to add MD Type=2 
> later?

As I said, it's a classic problem with IP options. Classic enough that people 
frequently content that TLVs are not usable at all because they don't get 
implemented which then becomes a self fulfilling prophesy.

I think I've been extremely clear on this matter. I also think that I've been 
extremely consistent - I think I've said the same thing on every review of this 
patch series, so it should not exactly be a surprise. However, the bottom line 
is I want to see a complete implementation of the protocol and not a half 
measure that will catch people by surprise or limit future usage. That seems 
100% reasonable to me.
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