I like this idea as well.

The one question I have with is is how we should determine which ip address
to select for the 'distributed' port? In your example above you picked I'm wondering if there is a more flexible way to handle this.
It seems to me like this ip needs to be selected a head of time to be able
to correctly distribute the host route before the instance has configured
it's self with dhcp.   I'm thinking that just picking the first free
ip_address in the subnet and using that might be fine as long as there is a
way to be able to dynamically update this after the fact if the user wants
to use that same address for something else. I'm thinking in the case of
someone deploying a heat template with predefined addresses for everything
how we can avoid this conflict (maybe this doesn't matter much though and
people are okay changing there static assignments or don't do that).

An alternative solution (which has the same problem about picking the ip
address to use) If we want to avoid creating the network name spaces and
running the http proxy on each hypervisor is if we took a similar approach
that openstack uses for handling dhcp/metadata requests.

When a subnet is created we could have the neutron-ovn-plugin notify a
metadata agent which would create a port on the given subnet for the
logical network. Then, to get instances to route its metadata traffic to
this logical port we could have ovn distribute an additional host-route via
dhcp (using option 121).  Similar to what you are proposing.

I.e:  So for example if someone created a network/subnet.

In the ovn plugin we can signal the metadata agent to create a port on that
network.  Then, for every port that is created on this network we would
distribute a hostroute of via <metadata-port>; Then,
 we'd have the metadata agent just run there which would answer these meta
data requests and route them back.

One down side to this solution is that this metadata agent would need to be
made HA in some way. In your current solution if the metadata agent crashes
or something the failure is isolated to the hypervisor. That said, this
type of HA seems like it can be implemented in at least an active passive
solution easily enough.


On Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 4:49 PM, Ramu Ramamurthy <ramu.ramamur...@gmail.com>

> >
> > neutron-ovn-metadata would be something we maintain in our OpenStack
> plugin
> > repo (networking-ovn), right?
> >
> Russell, Thanks for your review and feedback,
> neutron-ovn-metadata would be maintained in networking-ovn repo.
> > I like this proposal.  It suggests adding only the minimal amount of
> support
> > needed from OVN itself to enable us to get our OpenStack-specific job
> done.
> > This is much better than anything I had thought of.
> >
> > Thank you!
> >
> > --
> > Russell Bryant
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