On Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 11:59:57PM +0800, Huanle Han wrote:
> I think a more line "mirrors &= ~ctx->mirrors;" is needed at the end of the
> "while" loop.
> Otherwise, duplicated mirror action may be applied in recursive
> mirror_packet called by output_normal.

Did you arrive at that conclusion from testing or code inspection?  I
believe that dup_mirrors always includes the mirror we're handling, so
that "mirrors &= ~dup_mirrors;" in the while loop should include that
case; also note the "mirrors &= ~ctx->mirrors;" at the beginning of the

> Here are the test cases:
> Test case for the bug I mentioned in previous mail:
> 1. setup port:  vnet0 tag = 201, vnet1 tag=200
> 2. setup flow: add-flow in_port=vnet0,actions:vnet1
> 3. setup mirror( mirror1 or mirror2 ). and packet from vnet0 to vnet1
>    a) mirror1:  select_all=false, select_src_port=[         ],
> select_dst_port=[vnet1], select_vlan=[200], output=vnet2
>        ==> result: this mirror works.
>    b) mirror2:  select_all=false, select_src_port=[vnet0],
> select_dst_port=[vnet1], select_vlan=[200], output=vnet2
>        ==> result: this mirror doesn't work.
> Test case for the bug I mentioned in this mail:
> 1.  set port: vnet0, vnet1, vnet2
> 2.  setup 2 mirrors:
>     mirror1:  select_all=true,output_vlan=500
>     mirror2:  select_all=true,output_vlan=501
> 3. packet from vnet0, result: duplicated mirror actions are generated.

Do you mean that you ran these test cases with the patch I supplied, and
saw this bug?
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