On 01/20/2016 05:00 PM, Ben Pfaff wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 11:03:14AM -0500, Russell Bryant wrote:
>> While debugging a broken OVN environment yesterday, the problem turned
>> out to be invalid entries in the logical port addresses column.  In
>> particular, the following command had been used:
>>   $ ovn-nbctl lport-set-addresses lp0 MAC IP
>> instead of:
>>   $ ovn-nbctl lport-set-addresses lp0 "MAC IP"
>> This is really easy to mess up, so add some simple validation to the
>> lport-set-addresses command.  If the beginning of an argument is ever
>> an IP address, it's wrong.
>> In passing, also add a note to the ovn-nb db documentation to note that
>> the order of "MAC IP" is required, as "IP MAC" is not valid.
>> Signed-off-by: Russell Bryant <russ...@ovn.org>
> The check used here is to blacklist IP addresses at the beginning of an
> argument.  Would it make more sense to whitelist MAC addresses?  (I
> guess we'd want to accept "unknown" also.)
> But if you disagree:
> Acked-by: Ben Pfaff <b...@ovn.org>

I like your idea better.  That lets me remove the TODO item to update
this for IPv6 support later.  I'll resubmit after I change it.

Russell Bryant
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