The original code should work even when the port is connected. The port 
structure is not being reallocated rather just marked as deleted.
The issue is with  create port function which insert the port to do the port 
list even when it is already created.
This should be handled in a spate change.

-----Original Message-----
From: Eitan Eliahu 
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2014 2:35 PM
To: Nithin Raju
Subject: RE: [PATCH] datapath-windows: Update port property

This would be the easiest but I have concerns that some other parameters would 
be updated as well in new versions of NDIS.
I am checking into it.
Thank you,

-----Original Message-----
From: Nithin Raju 
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2014 2:15 PM
To: Eitan Eliahu
Subject: Re: [PATCH] datapath-windows: Update port property

On Nov 5, 2014, at 11:06 PM, Eitan Eliahu <>
> Hi Nithin,
> Actually ovsState will get updated from portParam->PortState in 
> OvsInitVportWithPortParam()  so this should not be an issue.
> But, there may be an issue with the nic parameters stored in the voprt.
> Even when the documentation reads that only "currently" the port friendly 
> name could get updated I would rather not count on it.
> I will check into this issue.

Thanks Eitan. Like you say, we don't want to loose any NIC parameters that we 
previously received in call to HvCreateNic().

We could possibly only copy the 'friendly name' from port params and leave the 
rest as it is, instead of doing a HvDeletePort() and HvCreatePort().

-- Nithin

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