Hi Ben, 

In reference to the mail dated 15.09.2014 I would like to thank you for your 
continued support to the team.Attached is the mail for reference. 

In progress to the same ,so far we have achieved the below mentioned.Wanted to 
share the understanding and confirmation on the same. 

Case 1: Flow Added with default active version on OpenvSwitch ( OF10 ) 
alongwith importance 
( Eviction implementation in accordance with OF1.4 ). 

Add Flow Command(OF10) : ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 
Output: No Error , rule saved but with default importance( i.e zero ) rather 
than with the specified value by user. 

Dump-Flow Command(OF 10) : ovs-ofctl dump-flows br0 
Output: cookie=0x0, duration=8.736s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, 
idle_age=8, priority=21 actions=NORMAL 

Dump-Flow Command(OF 11+) : ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows br0 
Output: cookie=0x0, duration=116.980s, table=0, n_packets=6, n_bytes=546, 
priority=21 actions=NORMAL 

The understanding is ,if the flow is added by the default active version i.e 
OF10 , the added flow will have importance set as zero whether provided by the 
user or not.The same is reflected in the dump flows either via OF10 or OF11+ . 
If importance is zero it will not be visible in that case. 

Query 1: Is this handling correct or we need to throw a message to the user 
that "importance" is supported by a particular version only rather than making 
it zero. Also as we are using OF11 flow mod structure as mentioned in previous 
mail, will importance parameter in add-flow should be supported on 1.1+ or we 
have to make it OF1.4 specific only. 

Case 2: Flow Added with specific version on OpenvSwitch ( OF11+ ) alongwith 
(Eviction implementation in accordance with OF1.4 ). 

Add Flow Command(OF11+) : ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 add-flow br0 
Output: No Error , rule saved with the value provided by the user and else zero 
if not provided by the user. 

Dump-Flow Command(OF 10) : ovs-ofctl dump-flows br0 
cookie=0x0, duration=47.841s, table=0, n_packets=2, n_bytes=182, idle_age=24, 
priority=22 actions=drop 
cookie=0x0, duration=243.481s, table=0, n_packets=6, n_bytes=546, idle_age=152, 
priority=21 actions=NORMAL 

Dump-Flow Command(OF 11+) : ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows br0 
cookie=0x0, duration=141.275s, table=0, n_packets=2, n_bytes=182, 
importance=22, priority=22 actions=drop 
cookie=0x0, duration=336.915s, table=0, n_packets=6, n_bytes=546, priority=21 

The understanding is,if the flow is added by a specific version (OF11+), the 
added flow will have importance set as the value provided by the user else 
zero.Now if the user dump-flows with the default version (OF10) none of the 
flows importance parameter will be visible even for the set one's else if 
dump-flows via OF11+ , the importance parameter will be visible for the flows 
which have the parameter set of. 

Query 2: Do we need to show the importance field if a flow is added by OF11+ 
and dump-flows via OF10. Currently we are not showing as mentioned above.Also 
this should also be only 1.4 specific or 1.1+ is fine. 

Note: On finalizing the the above mentioned approach we will be submitting the 
patch for the same at the earliest. Need your confirmation on the above 

Thank You 
Rishi Bamba 

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