I recently reproduced this today on servers109/110, using master branch with 
HEAD = 5a87054c2d832d0e10b30a1f223707acb8efbeb7. This commit is from yesterday, 
so it includes your fix (73a3c4757e596ff156d40f41496a0264373e5bc4).


From: Joe Stringer <joestrin...@nicira.com<mailto:joestrin...@nicira.com>>
Date: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 7:06 PM
To: Ryan Wilson <wr...@vmware.com<mailto:wr...@vmware.com>>
Cc: Alex Wang <al...@nicira.com<mailto:al...@nicira.com>>, 
<dev@openvswitch.org<mailto:dev@openvswitch.org>>, Ryan Wilson 
Subject: Re: [ovs-dev] [PATCH] ofproto: Remove per-flow miss hash table from 
upcall handler.

On 20 May 2014 17:25, Ryan Wilson <wr...@vmware.com<mailto:wr...@vmware.com>> 
Ok turns out my Openflow rules weren't totally correct (they were flooding all 
ports like a hub instead of forwarding properly). After adjusting them, I 
achieved equivalent performance with and without my upcall patch (both achieved 
161-162 trans/second). I'll submit my other version of the patch.

I also took a closer look at the ovs-vswitch.log and saw this error 
occasionally when running with the up call patch:

failed to flow_del (No such file or directory) 

Hmm, that's odd. What version of userspace and what version of kernelspace were 
you running?

I pushed some patches a couple of days ago that should prevent this.
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