On Fri, May 09, 2014 at 02:38:33PM -0700, Ryan Wilson wrote:
> Sorry for the delayed response. 

No problem.

> Unfortunately, I've had some issues with setting up an NVP perf
> environment lately so I haven't gotten any numbers. When I do, I'll
> publish them on this thread.
> Ethan's rationale is that it simplifies the code and we don't incur
> the memory overhead of allocating a hash map and this would outweigh
> the negative effect of possibly re-processing a packet from the same
> flow. Since userspace forwarding has gotten so much faster, this
> wouldn't be so bad.
> Obviously, I need perf numbers to justify these claims; I will post
> them when I do.


Let me clarify that I would like to drop the complexity here too.  I
just want to be fairly confident that we won't have to reintroduce it.
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