An ofport value of -1 already indicates an error occured during configuration
but does not provide any details. The now introduced error column allows
storing a human readable error string for every failed Interface object.

Thomas Graf (3):
  vlog: Provide convenience macros to additionally store log messages in
  vswitchd: Add error column to Interface table to store error condition
  ovs-vsctl: Add error column to show command

 NEWS                       |  2 ++
 lib/netdev.c               | 10 +++++-----
 lib/netdev.h               |  2 +-
 lib/vlog.h                 | 12 ++++++++++++
 utilities/ovs-dpctl.c      |  4 ++--
 utilities/ovs-vsctl.c      |  2 +-
 vswitchd/bridge.c          | 29 ++++++++++++++++++-----------
 vswitchd/vswitch.ovsschema |  8 +++++---
 vswitchd/vswitch.xml       |  5 +++++
 9 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)


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