On Feb 27, 2014, at 10:37 AM, Joe Stringer <joestrin...@nicira.com> wrote:

> +            The maximum idle time in milliseconds for flows to be cached in 
> the
> +            datapath. A lower value may improve flow setup performance, but
> +            decrease the number of cached flows in the datapath. Conversely, 
> a
> +            higher value allows more flows to be maintained in the cache at 
> the
> +            expense of flow setup performance.

We get a lot of questions about locking particular flows in the kernel, and I'm 
afraid this description might give the impression that this will be the actual 
time it's kept in the kernel.  (The name of the variable indicates that that's 
not the case, but I think most people will miss that.)  What about adding a 
sentence like the following to the end?

"Note that ovs-vswitchd may expire flows more quickly than the configured value 
based on system load and other factors."


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