Currently, we have a single thread (the 'flow_dumper') that fetches the flows
from the datapath and distributes them to revalidator threads. To clean up the
code (and provide a small performance benefit), we are looking at removing this
flow_dumper thread, and have each revalidator fetch flows from the datapath

This patchset provides groundwork for that, by allowing threaded execution of
flow_dump_next() as part of the same flow dump operation. The lifetime of a
flow dump operation is planned as follows:-

1) A 'leader' thread will call flow_dump_start() to initialize the iterator.
2) Each thread that intends to dump will call flow_dump_state_init() to
   allocate its own buffers for dumping.
3) Multiple threads will call flow_dump_next() with the same iterator, each
   passing their own state and output pointers.
4) When each thread's call to flow_dump_next() returns non-zero, it will stop
   iterating and call flow_dump_state_uninit() to clean up its buffers.
5) All threads will synchronize to ensure none are still using the iterator.
6) The 'leader' thread will call flow_dump_done() to uninitialize the iterator.

* Combine patches 2-5 of v1 into one patch that removes nl_dump buffers.
* Allow netlink dumpers to block if another thread has the last message.
* Drop patch to remove actions from flow_dump_next(). Decided we want them
  after all.
* Replace 'buffer' with opaque 'state'. Flow dumpers will now deal with two
  opaque pieces of data: A shared 'iterator' and a thread-local 'state'.
  This provides dpif implementations with more flexibility, and clarifies the
  semantics of the interface.
* Improve interface descriptions/documentation.
* Completely remove dump status caching at the dpif layer. It is now up to the
  dpif implementation to track this correctly.

Joe Stringer (7):
  dpif-linux: Fix flow_dump_next annotation.
  netlink: Remove buffer from 'struct nl_dump'.
  netlink: Rename 'dump->seq' to 'dump->nl_seq'
  netlink: Make nl_dump_next() thread-safe.
  dpif: Separate local and shared flow dump state.
  dpif: Make dpif_flow_dump_next() thread-safe.
  dpif: Don't synchronize flow_dump_next() status.

 lib/dpif-linux.c              |   93 ++++++++++++++++++-------
 lib/dpif-netdev.c             |   77 +++++++++++++++------
 lib/dpif-provider.h           |   48 ++++++++-----
 lib/dpif.c                    |  100 ++++++++++++++-------------
 lib/dpif.h                    |   27 +++++---
 lib/netdev-linux.c            |   42 ++++++++----
 lib/netlink-socket.c          |  150 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 lib/netlink-socket.h          |   23 +++++--
 lib/route-table.c             |   14 ++--
 ofproto/ofproto-dpif-upcall.c |   15 ++++-
 ofproto/ofproto-dpif.c        |   18 +++--
 utilities/ovs-dpctl.c         |   31 ++++++---
 12 files changed, 423 insertions(+), 215 deletions(-)


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