On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 01:42:41PM -0700, Jarno Rajahalme wrote:
> From ovs-ofctl man page:
>       tcp_flags=flags/mask
>               Bitwise  match on TCP flags.  The flags and mask are 16-bit 
> num???
>               bers written in decimal or in hexadecimal prefixed by 0x.   Each
>               1-bit  in  mask requires that the corresponding bit in port must
>               match.  Each 0-bit in mask causes the corresponding  bit  to  be
>               ignored.
>               TCP  protocol  currently  defines  9 flag bits, and additional 3
>               bits are reserved (must be transmitted as zero), see  RFCs  793,
>               3168, and 3540.  The flags are, numbering from the least 
> signif???
>               icant bit:
>               1: FIN No more data from sender.
>               2: SYN Synchronize sequence numbers.
>               3: RST Reset the connection.
>               4: PSH Push function.
>               5: ACK Acknowledgement field significant.
>               6: URG Urgent pointer field significant.
>               7: ECE ECN Echo.
>               8: CWR Congestion Windows Reduced.
>               9: NS  Nonce Sum.
>               10-12: Reserved.
>               13-16: Not matchable, must be zero in both flags and mask.
> Signed-off-by: Jarno Rajahalme <jrajaha...@nicira.com>

I'm used to seeing bits numbered starting from 0, not 1.  Starting
from zero there's the natural correspondence that bit n has value 2**n
or 1<<n.  The relationship is less natural starting from 1.

It's unusual to require the mask bits to be 0.  This precludes
exact-matching.  I don't think we do that for any other fields.

This patch needs a review from the kernel-side maintainers.  I only
skimmed the kernel code and didn't have any comments.

I think you can use is_ip_any() here:
> +    if ((f->dl_type == htons(ETH_TYPE_IP)
> +         || f->dl_type == htons(ETH_TYPE_IPV6)) &&
> +        f->nw_proto == IPPROTO_TCP) {
> +        if (wc->masks.tcp_flags) {
> +            if (wc->masks.tcp_flags == htons(UINT16_MAX)) {

I slightly prefer %# over 0x% in the following cases, because 0 looks
a little less silly than 0x0:
> +                ds_put_format(s, "tcp_flags=0x%03"PRIx16",",
> +                              ntohs(f->tcp_flags));
> +            } else {
> +                ds_put_format(s, "tcp_flags=0x%03"PRIx16"/0x%03"PRIx16",",
> +                              ntohs(f->tcp_flags),
> +                              ntohs(wc->masks.tcp_flags));
> +            }
> +        }
> +    }
>      if (s->length > start_len && ds_last(s) == ',') {
>          s->length--;

Here, isn't OFPUTIL_P_ANY too loose?  OF1.0 and OF1.1 don't support
TCP flags matching:
> --- a/lib/meta-flow.c
> +++ b/lib/meta-flow.c
> @@ -559,6 +559,17 @@ static const struct mf_field mf_fields[MFF_N_IDS] = {
>          OXM_OF_TCP_DST, "OXM_OF_TCP_DST",
>          OFPUTIL_P_ANY,
> +    }, {
> +        MFF_TCP_FLAGS, "tcp_flags", NULL,
> +        2, 12,
> +        MFM_FULLY,
> +        MFP_TCP,
> +        false,
> +        OFPUTIL_P_ANY,
>      },

0x%# looks wrong, you'll get output like 0x0x123:
> +        ds_put_format(ds, "0x%#"PRIx16, ntohs(nl_attr_get_be16(a)));
> +        if (!is_exact) {
> +            ds_put_format(ds, "/0x%#"PRIx16, ntohs(nl_attr_get_be16(ma)));
> +        }
> +        break;
> +
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