On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 12:17 AM, Giuseppe Lettieri
<g.letti...@iet.unipi.it> wrote:
> Il giorno 29/set/2012, alle ore 01:44, Jesse Gross <je...@nicira.com> ha 
> scritto:
>> Does this actually require changing the main loop?  If it really is
>> the poll related changes that you mention it seems like they could be
>> contained to the netdevs and userspace datapath.  You could handle a
>> batch of packets each time through the main loop.
> Well, I see what you mean. Indeed, it was me that raised the issue on the 
> list. But the poll related changes I mentioned where just an hypothesis. Take 
> the batching issue you are referring to, for example: if I disable batching 
> in the threaded datapath (just put batch=1), performance drops by  ~20% only. 
> From this I get that the big problem with the existing loop lies elsewhere. I 
> am not saying that it really needs drastic changes, only that it might, and 
> we had no time to investigate. This is only in reply to your question of why 
> we continued down this road.
> I understand that our lack of time is no good reason to accept a patch. On 
> the other end, I tried to push it anyway since it solves a real problem for 
> FreeBSD people, maybe also PlanetLab users, and possibly others.

Thanks, I definitely understand trying to get something in now even if
there are potentially more optimizations that can be made in the
future.  As I mentioned in the other message, processes seem a lot
simpler to me as an immediate solution (with hopefully known
performance characteristics) and maybe we can get some of the other
optimizations to the main loop in the future.
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